Thursday, January 1, 2009

Knitting....argh! Also "The Secret of Knitting"

It isn't that hard once you figure out what the hell to do. But until that glorious moment of epiphany it's slog, slog, slog. It's also rip out all the stuff you did after the one crucial little error.
Believe me I could write a book about all the mistakes.
Here is the secret of knitting. Do not make a mistake. One mistake on one stitch and everything is all fouled up until one rips the work out back to the mistake. Sigh! That is why my socks are going so slow. I am getting close, though, to the end.
I put aside the two leg parts I have to practice on a tiny sock, which I messed up a zillion times. I have now abandoned it (the tiny sock) and am thinking about making a new one. I want to practice the heel flap and the heel turning and the gusset on a small thing so I won't be ripping out my actual socks. I have about 4 library books on knitting and on knitting socks since no ONE instructor is satisfactory.
They all assume you know stuff I don't know.
I could go on complaining, but instead I will go back to knitting until I have something worthy of a picture.

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