Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Draft Went to Cyber Hell

I am adding two pics. They will show up where ever they show up, somewhere on this blog....It's only a page after all.
The little white things are sample socks and the green things are the actual socks I am knitting. I made the sample socks to practice the heel flap, heel turning and gussets and toe decrease and as you can see by the first one, I needed the practice. As you can see by the second sample sock, practice pays off. (I only had to rip the second one apart five times and start over: the first one was so messed up I just practiced binding off on the end and am saving it so I can see how bad I was)

1 comment:

  1. Jean your knitting looks very consistent! I have never attempted to knit a pair of socks! because they looked too hard.. this is me who tats! knitting too hard. hehe.. Still yours look fantastic!
